Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Halloween ... for Grownups

On Halloween, should ghosts appear
Do not give in to needless fear;
If you see monsters in your room
There's no need for deep, dark gloom;
If witches fly above your head
Don't bother hiding 'neath your bed;
Vampires are known to be quite charming
(Although some find their charm disarming).
Bats and spiders and things that creep
Should not disturb your restful sleep.

Eerie sounds and moans and screams
Will not evoke those scary dreams,
And graveyards are no cause for dread,
They're merely home for all our dead.
Werewolves are a scary sight
But they are rarely known to bite;
It's said that mummies walk around
But up till now, not one's been found.
Haunted houses are a fright
Just stay away from them at night.

Just in case I've calmed your fears,
Take heed; you may break down in tears;
There are things that should scare you--
And, now I'm going to prepare you:

Once you get past middle years
There are many dreadful fears,
Wrinkles pop out on your face
You're taking up a larger space.
Your weight goes up, your stocks go down
Your teeth have turned an ugly brown;
Your bills get high, your spirits low
You now forget what you should know.
You're health declines, your spirits droop,
Your colds aren't cured by chicken soup.

So don't be scared by Halloween pranks --
But you're still here....so just give thanks!

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